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Funky noises from mount


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I have a HEQ5 pro syntrek mount and is making some odd noises lol.. When i turn the thing on it makes a pulsating high pitched noise, is this normal?

I am using the power lead that it came with in conjunction with my power tank.

Any ideas?


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Sounds perfectly normal, it will also make a slightly odd noise as it starts to move and as it stops, this is for the slewing at the higher speeds though. When tracking it ought to be near silent :)

When tracking it still makes the weird sound >< Really high pitched pulsating sound.. continues all the time..

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When tracking it still makes the weird sound

Best way I can describe the tracking noise from my HEQ5 is like a washing machine during the wash cycle heard from a great distance. The slew noise is louder but still quiet compared with the CPC1100 "coffeee grinder".

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That noise is perfectly normal and if Steve at FLO offers to swap it out for you, decline :) (Sorry Steve). I thought mine was faulty when I got it and couldn't beleive the volume of the whistle, I thought it would drive me absolutely nuts to start off with but it is, as they say, quietly reassuring to know its on.

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I noticed it and just assumed it was the motors tracking away merrily to themselves... It's so quiet compared to me NexStar SLT I thought that perhaps something was wrong first off as it was so quiet.

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You ought to hear the racket from an LX90.

I switched from a 8" LX90 to a CPC1100 & the CPC1100 is waaaaay louder when slewing at full rate .... also the full rate slew is much slower, 3 deg / sec rather than 5 deg / sec.

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