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where for art thou... Mars


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Yeah it's up there in the morning, but is still very small. It will almost triple in apparent size in the winter - around Feb. It will then be just a bit smaller than Saturn appears now.

I've never seen it, so am pretty excited about its nearing.


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Just in case anyone was still in any doubt about this, all those E-mails you may have received, telling you about Mars "as big as the Moon" this year - they're a hoax. :) But Mars should still be good for viewing when it comes around, in a 'scope with sufficient magnification, and given good seeing (this is important).

Good luck!

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I think Mars is around in the early morning (just before sunrise) in the East... not entirely sure though not had the chance to track him down yet. :)

It is indeed - lovely pairing with Venus (and the Pleiades) at the moment too. One very slight advantage of my 2-year-old waking up at 4:30am yesterday :)

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