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Shuttle Launch Visible tonight!


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I posted a similar thread on an Astronomy section of Irelands largest General forum. Its ended up 35 Pages Long!! :) :) I am afraid I took the limelight off another thread that was also discussing the same prospective flyover at the weekend. However I had a feeling that the thread title : "STS127-Endeavour" wasn't going to catch peoples eye, So I titled my thread "Space Shuttle visible over Ireland tonight". That got the punters in. I reckon Hundreds got to see this amazing event as a result.

Shuttle Launch Visible from Ireland Tonight - boards.ie

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will the ISS be going over scotland tonight? i was out looking for the space shuttle but seen nothing so hope to see somthing tonight.

new to this so go easy on me :) a total noob at all this but it does interest me a lot


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will the ISS be going over scotland tonight? i was out looking for the space shuttle but seen nothing so hope to see somthing tonight.

new to this so go easy on me :) a total noob at all this but it does interest me a lot


If you input your lat/long on the Heavens Above website, you can get a personalised chart showing ISS passes. Welcome to the forum!!

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Unfortunately, I missed the Shuttle pass but WHAT A NIGHT! Best night I've had for a while...

Most definitely gonna follow shuttle progress for the next few days.

(Did spot a couple of fast-moving meteors tho')

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Dunno where you lot are, Endeavour started about 10 deg up in the west - very bright - with the tank about 1 degree below it and I managed to track it to about 120 degrees (i.e. over the meridian and another 30 or so degrees) with the binos before it went from sight... moving very fast - almost like a umm.. err.. rocket :) Absolutely fantastic - and the shuttle following 20 mins later... Just set up and aligned and taking subs of M13 (again) whilst waiting for Jupiter to come up...

10 minutes earlier and I'd have seen nothing due to the clouds...

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Was amazing, I was too busy setting the camera up and my better half noticed it first, so by the time I had swung the camera up and focused the fuel tank was gone and the shuttle moving pretty darn fast and getting dimmer. Was totally awesome though you could see how orange the fuel tank was no mistaking what it was, but I only managed to capture the shuttle before it disappeared. I wasn’t expecting it be moving so fast I thought it would be more like the ISS and pass over head with time to move the camera round and get a few shots over 1-2mins but it was only visible for about 15-20 seconds.

I have posted the picture in the Iaging Widefield area for those that are interested, not the best pic but you can see it.

All I can say is AWESOME! :) :)

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I was totally taken aback by the speed and the brightness of it. Now of course the brightness would be dependent on your location relative to the track. It was 45º high for me so that made a big differance to the brightness. I was expecting the speed and brightness of the ISS. Usually I don't spot even the brightest ISS passes till it is about 30º in the SW. Well I saw the 2 lights of the Shuttle and Fuel tank from about 12º on the Western Horizon. Within seconds it was growing massively in brightness intensity. It was like the headlights of an oncoming airliner. The Shuttle was a diamond blue/white intense light and the Fuel tank was only marginally dimmer Orange light below. One got a real sense of the speed as this pair grew rapindly in intensity and passed overhead. I could hear Meat Loafs , 'Bat outta Hell' in my head as I watched! :)

Absolutely incredible and I can't believe the Irish weather played ball!! :)

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I totally agree Calibos, it's speed took me by surprise. Where did you find out we were going to be able to see it and does it look good for August? I'd love to catch it agian and take pics as there's not that many launches left:(

Thanks Brian

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