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Shuttle Launch Visible tonight!


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Are we all set for tonight lads and lassies!! Launch is scheduled earlier tonight at between 10:58 to 11:02 our time. So we should see it 18 minutes later anywhere between 11:16 and 11:20pm. West to East.

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Clouds gone, clear skies here in London. ISS PAss 23:40(ish). NASA TV sounds like we are GO for take off. Fingers crossed for a successful launch and the subsequent pass over the UK.... Last spring we had one where the shuttle and separated main fuel tank (bright red) tracking across the sky after the ISS. Don't go to bed till she's gone over!

Fingers are crossed, eyes propped open!


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So guys, can I just confirm, should I be able to see the Shuttle behind the ISS at the 23:40 pass? and will the fuel tank be visible also?

My first Shuttle+ISS observation y'see. :)

C'mon Amanda... follow the thread :). Shuttle will be in front of the ISS around 23:20 (about 15-18mins after liftoff). Yes, you should see the fuel tank.
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Just make sure you feel well enough to get out there and see those two bright lights pass across the sky 15 minutes after launch. You don't want to miss it. I can't believe we've got clear skies too.

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... if the clocks at work stop the UK will stop still.... clocks just do NOT stop while people have a little chat! Do watch NASA TV (from their website for the launch)... nice build-up!

Tested my camera on the ISS pass, it refuses to allow me do a long exposure, so can someone get a nice shot of the pass?!

All the best, off to make a drink and see where Jupiter is and if clouds have appeared.


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