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Alexanders Observatories

Ford Prefect

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Hi all

Not wishing to tempt fate but I need some advice.

I will hopefully be moving soon to my dream house in a dark site in Cambridgeshire. Since my DIY skills are not great I have decided to buy an Observatory from Welcome to Alexanders Observatories ( I plan to go for the 16ft by 10ft one).

What I need to know is has anyone used this company and if so what did they think?

Your help is much appreciated :)

Cheers Jon

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That observatory looks really cool, and has a large warm room as well. On top of that a great price.

I bet you can't wait Jon.

You’re right there Mick, patience was never a virtue for me!!!

Oh don't you worry about that, we'll find you

I have no doubt about that Steve :)

Has anyone bought an Obsey from these guys? I found their site a while back but they make no mention of what arrangements they make for installing if you aren’t local to them.

I know they have done work in France and Holland, I would drop them an email, Nick has been very helpful up to know :)

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Although I never visited it, my friend Alan Longstaff of Astronomy Now fame had one of these in Italy and certainly rated it very highly. He did offer me first refusal on it when they moved but even from here Italy is quite a long way and my Fiat Panda is a small car...

They sound good products to me.


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I hope their woodwork is better than their steelwork. Make absolutely sure you know what you are getting and get it in writing. Make sure all the small details are known to you both. Including ALL the costs. Get your pier from someone else.


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