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Comet 73P fragments B and C For Caz :~)


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Well happy with these results considering the conditions were poor to say the least mist and thin clouds mixed with Light Pollution :shock:..

Used the Celestron 80mm F/5 so i could get M13 in the same FOV as 73P-B and also a nice widefield of 73P-C, Canon 300D was set at 1600 iso and the images are stacked from 14 frames of 20 secs each.

Hope you like em..




James :D

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Thanks Ian/Gaz,

Fingers crossed you get a peek at the Comet well worth the effort of staying up late if you can.

Gaz, after seeing your Moon images from last night i reakon you will be onto a winner :D


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Sorry James, I prefer the first one. On my monitor the area around the comet is posterised and lacks detail. Leave it as it was, I don't think you could improve on it.

Captain Chaos

(waiting to be proved wrong, again.)

Sorry Capt, but you are

Right :D

the original is the best, the James version is over processed. (sorry James)


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