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Jupiter.... WOW!

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When I first got my scope a few months back - I wanted to take a look at Jupiter... but because it was only up as the sun was rising, and blocked by houses I didn't manage it, and forgot all about trying.

Couldn't sleep last night though, and when I looked out my bedroom window at around 2.30am I could see a very very bright object just rising above the houses over the road. Checked on Stellarium... and low and behold it was Jupiter! So of course I quickly assembled my scope in the front garden... and took a peek, and was just absolutely blown away.

Allthough viewing conditions were not great, I could see at least 3 or four moons clearly, and a few bands of colour around the planet.

I still can't believe just how bright it appears to the naked eye!

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And this is just the start of your astronomical career chap.

you're hooked now, its in the blood!

Those first things you see are the reason why we all stay.

Saturn will be next up soon, wait till you seen them rings through that telescope, then u'll be blown away even further!

The Moon? Have you seen the Moon yet?

The Moon is truly a delight.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us, its what astronomy is all about.

If you have not already done so, come to some star parties. I would not be suprised if you notched up a few nebulae and galaxies etc before you leave :-)

clear skies chap, and many more of them!

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gobes, congratulations :) The first viewing of Jupiter is one that will stick with you forever. It is incredibly bright... unmistakable once you have recognised it that first time. Look forward to later on in the year when it is even better placed and up against a dark winter sky :p

Have a go at this:

SkyandTelescope.com - Planets - Jupiter's Moons Javascript Utility

Click the 'javascript' link in red, it'll open up a new window, enter in your details and it'll show you what positions the moons are in.. that way, you know who you're looking at :D

I've also found a Moon filter handy for Jupiter observations, it is so bright at the eyepiece, the filter just deadens the glare and helps to bring out a little more detail. (that's if you have a Moon filter of course)

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Yeah... I managed to get my first look at Saturn a couple of months back... and was totally blown away. Also love the moon when it's about... as you can see so much detail.

Can't decide what my current favorite is... Saturn or Jupiter.

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My girlfriend went clubbing in town and asked me to pick her up at 2.30. As i got home i noticed a really bright star low in the sky. So i quckly set up my skywatcher 130p as my meade is heavy and is 3 floors up!

I just could not believe my eyes, the sky was so clear as everything was so quiet ( I live near a pub and its nearly always noisy!) This is the first time i have seen jupiter and it was just stunning! i stayed up untill 4 with a impatient girlfriend telling me to come in! I cant wait to see jupiter with my 6" meade refractor.

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I always find Jupiter a more impressive sight than Saturn myself. Its something about its size and its moons I think.

It is a bit ( a lot addictive) once you see your first big sight whether its Jupiter or Saturn. As said by Astrotiger - you'll likely get hooked and wont come in even when your freezing and half dead from cold :):):headbang:

Come on down to a star party they are very friendly affairs and you can see even more.

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