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Big thankyou to Astro-Baby


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I would just like to thank Astro-Baby for her fantastic site, Astro Babys Guide to Collimation

I sat down and slowly collimated my scope (first time mind) and did everything step by step, took me about 25mins but i re-collimated the entire mirror system and the spider vains.

There is also a polar-finder scope tutorial aswell which helped me to align my finder..

Fantastic tutorials, help and advice.. Will recomend to anyone and everyone!

Thanks again Atro-Baby!! :)

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I too have regularly looked at Astro Baby's pieces on that website... it is so clear - particularly the polar alignment section, made a very daunting task crystal clear :D and definitely helped me with understanding my scope. Thank you for this thread Milliways, Astro Baby deserves a salute!!



Amanda :D

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I dunno - anyone that understands collimation enough to be able to make it easier to work through can't be that stupid... quite the opposite I reckon. And then to share it as well makes for something a bit out of the ordinary.


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Ahh - well what I do is ask a lot of advice, then I meddle and mess about till I can make it work. This usually involves a lot of swearing and tears and many cups of tea, cigarettes and on a bad day even a nip of brandy or two.

Once I have it down pat I redo the work and write notes. The notes form the guide eventually. When its done I pester people more brainy than myself to read it until the people with two brians are happy.

The guide is written so other clueless people like me aren't made to suffer too much and to allow me to refer back to the notes in case I forget later on how to do it. If I am going to write it all up it would be scandalous not to share it not say selfish and somewhat conceited.

My motives are essentially humanitarian rather than scientific and are designed as well so that when people ask the age old questions 'so how do you.......' rather than some poor soul typing it all out again theres a handy place to point the newbie :):):D

I'm hoping - as soon as my sister gives me my vido camrea back to do some full on vidoes of stuff like 'how to polar align' and how to take things to bits and get them back together again without tears.

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Yes, thanks from me too, Astro-Baby! Your collimation section has helped me loads. It's very kind and thoughtful of you to go to the time and trouble of putting it all together for those of us that found it daunting and confusing. Thanks also for taking the photos that certainly helped me no end.

I should have thanked you before now.:)

Best wishes.


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