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M13 combo

Roy Batty

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Decided to scrape together all the data I had accumulated over three different sessions and stuck it into DSS to see what came out in the wash so to speek. This is a mixture then of 5, 3 & 1 minute subs, I guess amounting to something like 50 mins maybe more in total.

Glad to say I'm happy with the result.




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That's a very well captured and nicely resloved image Keith.

I like the way you've got 2 sets of diffraction spikes on the bright star bottom right, it looks great!

I don't see a propellor though :)....what am I supposed to look for?



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I attach a copy of Roy's M13 photo showing the propeller in yellow. Apologies Roy for cloning your excellent photo but I felt this was the best way of showing it.

A good exercise for members at the next star party? Since it was mentioned on SGL I have been hoping for a clear dark sky to view it through my 10" Dob - maybe tonight if it stays clear.


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Thanks for all the comments:).

Frankly I was surprised at the amount of interest generated by it. I've been away over the weekend and with work the first half of this week, so I've not had an opportunity to dip into the forum for a few days.

Mark - no problem with your fine cloning job, I'm sure Rob's asked the same question about the propellor before ??:):headbang:

The technique I used for the re-stack in DSS was in effect a stack of the three sub stacks for each exposure time, with each of the three sub stacks having been through PixInsight DBE to get a flat field before going back into DSS.



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