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Phillips Toucam Pro colour - new to imaging

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Hi All. Advice please. Looking at purchasing the above. Want to get into imaging. Other options than a DSLR. Not too sure on how it operates. Just slide into scope , connect to laptop and off we go.??? Any primers, how to's etc, on the site you experts can point me in the direction of ? Imaging moon and planets i guess is this piece of kits limit? Questions Questions !!! I own a Meade LX90 10 inch SCT. No wedge. Thx in advance as always John

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Hi John,

yes a colour webcam will be good for planets but thats about it. You can get them modded but I never found it much good and bought a DSLR. You should be OK for a few seconds worth of capture without the wedge but I am not sure as I have never used an Alt-Az mount.

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I wrote this a little over 3 years ago now. It is a little out of date referring to an older version of Registax. The Toucam is really for planetary and lunar imaging.


If you want to something for planetary and long exposure stuff then you could look at one of these DMK 21AU04 - USB CCD Monochrome Camera or a QHY5.

Here is a Saturn image taken 3 years ago with a toucam using an 8" SCT


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