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Stellarium advice?

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Hi, new guy here both to this forum and to astronomy in general, but having a blast already. 

I have a14" Orion XXg Dobsonian reflector on a Skquest XXg GoTo AltAz mount.  I'm running it with the Synscan Android app through a Wi-Fi dongle in "station" mode.  

I've installed Stellarium on my phone but not yet the unlocked/pay features. 

To those of you who've used both, in your opinion have you found the extra features and capabilities of Stellarium (whatever they might be) over the Synscan app have had enough benefit to you to make you glad you got the paid version of Stellarium?  I see from the doc (I think) that using Stellarium to control the mount still has to go "through" the Synscan app, so you still need both. In my decades of experience in IT, I've found that the more software components there are in a path, the more likely it is that one of them will cause problems and the harder it will be to diagnose, so that makes me nervous, but if you've used both and have been pleased with the result and have found it reliable, I'd like to know. 



Edited by BearGFR
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