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M13 - a day in the life


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1,392 x 60s exposures over 14 nights between 26 July to 18 Sept... Not quite a day's worth (23 hr 12 min) although one hour was from a Bortle 3 sky in Cornwall which seems to be equivalent to about 5 hours exposure in light polluted Leeds...
Actual subs used in the stack was lower than 1,392, but as my PC ran out of memory trying to stack about 1,200 subs I'm not sure how many made the final cut. (I ended up stacking in batches of roughly 60 subs, & then re-stacking the resulting 23 files).
I usually only spend 1-2 hours on star clusters, so this was a bit of an experiment to go as deep as I could. I also went with 60s subs to try to avoid oversaturation. Haven't tried annotating yet, but hoping to locate V1554 Herculis and Barnard 29...
SW200pds + AZ-EQ6-GT-Pro with ZWO1600MCPro & ZWO Off-axis guider + ZWO120mm. APT+PHD2 & processed in Pixinsight.


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23 hours on a star cluster? That's got to be some kind of a record.

And it was worth it, what a lovely image, I don't think I've seen so many of the fainter stars in M13 previously. You also have detail in NGC 6207 and lots of background fuzzies. Excellent job!

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11 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

...did you try to image anything else from July to September or just focused on this? 

Thanks @CraigT82. I normally have a few objects on the go at any one time, it just depends on what is visible from our suburban setting. eg. from our back garden M13 is only visible for 1-2 hrs per night depending on the time of year.

(The longest project I've attempted is the variable star WY Cas & NGC7789 (Caroline's Rose cluster)... I started that in November 2022 & it's still ongoing.)

@Paul M - the SW200pds has been modified somewhat & the crisp diffraction spikes are from the Backyard Universe spider. This makes spikes more prominent as about 5% of the light ends up in them, but I've been able to get better collimation with it than the original SW spider.


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A fine piece of work with a very nice result. Quite a few background galaxies as well, in addition to the large one (I assume IC 4617). The depth gives a real sense of the density and scale of M13. Definitely one of the best I have seen.

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