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Trouble viewing Saturn with 88((sky wayyá

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I recently purchased a sky watcher 8" dobsonian with  some eye pieces (qp?? To 25mm) i also have a 2x and 3x Barlow. I am having issues getting together. I'm not sure why i am having a hard time. Hopefully someone can help me. 

Also have a coliminator and the mirrors as centered.

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Using the 25mm without the barlow, Saturn will be very much just a bright dot. Do you have a 10mm eyepiece or similar? Try and find Saturn using just the eyepiece and not with the barlow. Saturn will still be very small, but swap in the 2x barlow when you have found it. It will move very fast through your eyepiece as you now have a very small field of view so you will need to be quick with gentle nudges to keep it in view. You could get a bit of practice in by selecting a bright star and trying to keep it in view. Hope it helps.

Edited by M40
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