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Intriguing scope


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4.5"classical cassegraine?

StellaLyra 4.5" f/12 CF Classical Cassegrain Telescope OTA | First Light Optics

2" focusser and CF tube. Seems like an interesting alternative to a Mak 102. I would like to know if it is operating at full aperture (the 6"and 8"CCs apparently do not). It would manage a degree FOV with a 1.25" eyepiece, which is my minimum requirement for a small scope.

But I have other things the money might go on. Maybe I will restore my visual observing to a complete setup with a SellaL:yra wooden tripod. Or I might get a ZWO mini filter wheel, or a flip mirror for my RC6, or a ASI678MM camera or or or or... 

Edited by Ags
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Yes it’s cute isn’t it? Definitely some advantages over a 102 mak such as cool down, fine focussing and fixed mirror, but I’d be surprised if the image was as contrasty given the larger central obstruction. A bit of an oddity imo, but I know there are plenty of CC fans out there. I do like the GSO build quality though, very, very solid and nicely finished. 

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32 minutes ago, Ags said:

on the other hand it is cute.

Yes it is :D

I like the image where you can see that wider then the OTA itself :D

Here is what I really think of this scope. I think that focuser is holding it back. I think that it will be excellent beginner imaging scope. I know that people will say it's slow at F/12 - but as we have established (hopefully) by now - it's not the F/ratio that is the speed of the scope.

- It is well baffled and given its construction - flats will be easy to do (very little chance of stray light issues).

- same thing goes for imaging unlike newtonian which can have issues with stray light if longer dew shield is not installed

- it does not need correctors of any kind. No need for field flattener and no need for coma corrector - it is all the expense that you'll have on the optics side of things.

- it is light weight for sure. It has more aperture than 80ED and is color free. It is cheaper as well.

- I think it will be able to illuminate at least APS-C sized sensor - which is most of DSLRs / Mirrorless that novice imagers might use

I just wished that focuser has some sort of thread for threaded attachment of accessories to avoid any tilt. By the looks of it - it does not seem to be the case. It looks pretty much like regular monorail/crayford focuser.

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Maybe I'm wrong but I see a short T2 thread on the focuser, right below the shoulder of the 1.25'' / 2'' adapter.


I will be sorry for procrastinating until I lost the occasion to buy SH a 6'' F/20 Cassegrainian OTA for only 150 euro.

That had a 1,25'' focuser and much smaller obstruction. With the XCel 25mm eyepiece would provide a maximum field of 30' at 120x minimum magnification. Good for double stars.


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3 minutes ago, Mircea said:

Maybe I'm wrong but I see a short T2 thread on the focuser, right below the shoulder of the 1.25'' / 2'' adapter.

I think you are right. It looks like it is however M54 thread not T2 as whole 2"/1.25" adapter fits into it and 2" is 50.8mm.

In any case - it will be usable for attaching the imaging accessories.

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Looks like the same focuser as on my RC6, and although I have no issues with mine (I use a small sensor) there are plenty of reports of issues about the RC focusers from GSO.

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To be fair on this little scope, even Taks get their focusers upgraded. I have no issues with the focuser on my RC6, it is perfectly servicable.

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