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Observing report 14_09_24 (mostly...)

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I finally got out for a decent session on Saturday.

(Most of these doubles are from the 14th but I did view a couple on the 12th which I have included  😀 )

It felt appropriate to start with Saturn so I had a short session viewing it in my 114mm Newt that I am rebuilding from the bits that got returned to me.

This gave the main scope a chance to cool down.

Th Moon was pretty bright but low. I decided to have a wander through some doubles in Ophiuchus.

STF2612AB Avery wide pair easily split at x70. The primary is white, the secondary is blue-grey .

STF2621 A Fairly close pair with a slight difference in magnitude. Both stars appear white split at x70 best view at x140.

STF2627 AB/AC The AC pair are very wide. The primary is blue, the ‘C’ component is white. The ‘B’ component was just visible at x250.

STF2651AB A tight pair of even magnitude. Both stars appeared yellow. Best split at x187

STF2250 A pair of white stars slight difference in magnitude. 

STF2254 A pair of white stars close and of fairly even magnitude.

STF2201 Acolour contrast pair with an orange primary and a blue-grey. Easily split at x70. Shares a low power field with NGC6426 & 61 OPH (STF2202)

STF2230AB/AC A wide triple The AB pair are both white with a slight difference in magnitude. The ‘C’ component is faint and close to ‘B’.

STF2208 A pair of uneven magnitude. The primary appears white, thhe secondary blue-grey. 3 stars lie to the West.

STF2231 A pair of uneven magnitude. The primary is white. The secondary shows no colour. Part of a neat triangle of stars.

STF2200 A close pair of white stars with a slight difference in magnitude. Edge of cluster IC4665 in the field.

STF2211 A fairly close pair of white stars. Part of a triangular asterism. ‘C’ component lies some distance away.

STF2212 A fairly close pair of even magnitude both stars appear white. Shares field with IC4665.

STF2216 A wide pair in IC4665. The primary is white the secondary shows no colour.

STF2244 A very tight pair of of white stars possible split at x187.

STF2227 A neat pair of white stars fairly evenly matched.

STF2228 A wide pair of stars both appear pale blue . 2 bright stars share the field.

STF2235 A wide pair of uneven magnitude. The primary appears yellow and the secondary appears pale blue.

I finished the session viewing the Moon., Gassendi looked good. I had to finish the session with Saturn again. This time in the OMC250. The edge on rings certainly give Saturn a different look.



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Very nice. I have shunned much of Ophiuchus as the south west is mainly houses and trees from my garden.. really murky as well but anything from Beta and Kappa northwards is OK but I really need to diary these for next Summer (probably August as it is dark at 9pm rather than 10 or 11pm!).

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