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Transporting Dob' - which way up etc ?

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I am hoping to take a 12" SW collapsible dob to a star party later in the year and was wondering what the best way to transport it might be.
Apart from its weight and size - Im ok with that - I wondered if anyone had recommendations for what to do when transporting it.
- is vertical ok or is the tube best horizontal across the back seats.
- suggestions for soft wrap around the secondary

I don't want the vibration of travel, bumps in the road etc to start upsetting things or loosening the various nuts and bolts (visions of the primary or secondary bolts all coming loose)  or having to spend ages re-collimating /rebuilding it because everything has got out of whack.

thoughts welcome.


Edited by Fraunhoffer
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I used to take my 12 inch F/5.3 solid tube to star parties. Around 100 miles was my longest journey. The bumpiest part over the camping field usually ! The optical tube on it's side resting on an old sleeping bag and with a rear seat folded. The mount base stood up in the other side of the boot space. 

I used the primary cell locking screws on those occasions to prevent major collimation shift but still needed to check and fine tune collimation when the scope was set up. It's part of my routine with dobs anyway so no real hassle. With a flexi tube you might be able to fit the tube into the boot space upright.

Assume some collimation adjustments will be needed when you reach your destination.



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