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Saturn 2nd attempt , better than before?

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Taken again using the heritage 130p but with the 10mm and the phone mount already attached so when switching between eyepieces I didn't move the telescope. Think this is better slightly as I lowered the exposure as advised. I also took a few small vids to try stacking to get a better image. Can't find an app that's free that seems to help though. Any ideas?. Cheers in advance.


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You have some atmospheric dispersion there. Photo editing apps like LightRoom can be used to minimise it. But, yes, I think it’s better.

With a single shot you are up against it. Good seeing will help significantly (it always does!) which recently we haven’t had. 

On iPhone I use an app called VideoStack which does some simple stacking of short videos. Plus the companion app WaveletCam for processing. Finally an image editing and processing app like LightRoom and/or SnapSeed to adjust things like white balance and colours. 

I guess you could pass your video to a PC and try the proven selection of PC planetary apps. Doing this you’d probably get the best results than just keeping everything on smartphone and doing all processing and editing there. But I prefer to keep it all smartphone. Well, I don’t own a PC!

Another simple method you could try… manually go through your video and see if you have a lucky frame where you’ve caught a brief moment of good seeing. Capture this frame and use it as a still image. I’ve had some success doing this as have others. Of course it requires luck but worth a try. 

Above all keep practicing. And learn how to use the apps/software the best you can. This does take time. I sometime do this on the train etc as you always have my phone with me.





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I don't image with a mobile, but same rules apply,  decrease the exposure even more if you want to pull any features. You want to have it barely visible on the phone and at post processing you can make it brighter. Why not put it through pipp and then Astrosurface rather than doing everything on a mobile? These are all free software.

You may want to look on getting a second hand planetary camera at some point, it doesn't need to be latest model, as it will give you much better pics.

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