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Hello, I've dusted off my C9.25 with a view to doing some planetary imaging. I'd forgotten how tedious the twiddling of the focuser and the inevitable overrun of focus can be, is the ZWO EAF a magic bullet. Also, if I invested in one, how practical would it be to fit it to other 'scopes as well?

All the best


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It is certainly easy enough to refit to other scopes. If swapping regularly I'd think about installing a bracket on each scope and perhaps even a flexible connector so you have them permanently on each scope. This means you would only ever need to swap out the focuser itself. As for magic bullet well I've been imaging mainly DSOs with mine in controlled with the ASiAir. Here the auto focus routine works a treat and it has been totally reliable. Not sure if there is much a difference when using it for planetary, hopefully somebody can comment. 


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Many thanks saac & Albir phil.

My minds made up. I'll invest in one. I believe that the included bracket will fit my WO Megrez 11  but I lose the focus lock screw, meaning I'll only have to get the SCT bracket.



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I recently borrowed one of my EAFs from a Sigma lens and tried it with a 102ED F/11 Planet Killer. From our point of view, planets are exactly where stars are, so focusing (on stars!) using the ASIair is easy. Next time I'll try NINA, as I'm recording planets using SharpCap, so switching between NINA and SharpCap on the same laptop is easier than between the PC/SharpCap and ASIair. It was simply inconvenient but durable. :)

No Barlow, no ADC, just the 102ED F/11 and ASI678MC with its 2um pixel. Nothing else than AutoStakkert! As you can see, it's sharp enough. :)

Guiding is highly recommended. I used it for the first time (in the planetary imaging) and was shocked about how stable Jupiter was in its place in the frame.




Edited by Vroobel
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