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What can I do about this?

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That streetlight doesn't look like a FCO (full cut-off). Many years ago we tackled our council about a street-lamp. It was installed one day without our knowledge (or indeed that of the parish council)...right outside our driveway, illuminating the car and also shining right back to our front door. Any burglar would have had no problem doing a job, they'd be able to see everything. To top it off, it was the first street-light to be put up in the whole village! Dark sky gone forever.

Anyway, the council did put up some shielding, and it was a few months after our complaint. So, fingers crossed yours will do something too.

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In the short term, you can put up a dark tarpaulin supported by a rope that prevents the streetlight from disturbing. In the long term, I believe your municipality will be able to do more, since you can file a complaint for light pollution, which does not exist here in Italy. I have a similar problem on my terrace, which I partially solved by leaving a dividing wall made to divide the house that I later partly inherited and partly redeemed. By doing so, I believe I have, in the part of the terrace not disturbed by the night lights of the alley where I live, a Bortle 4 sky (or in any case always better than Bortle 5); seeing the Pleiades with an achromatic 70/400 (Celestron Travelscope 70) at magnitude +10 I got there without problems before Covid.

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@Roundswithnocontext Definitiely contact the local authority with responibility for your street lighting.

I had 2 lights causing problems and I explained the issues. Within a fortnight, both lights had sheilds installed which reduced the impact.

Good luck.

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