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ASIAir 2.2 Released - don't install the Android version.

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The latest version of ASIAir (2.2) has been released - the Android version will crash on hitting 'Enter Device' if you use the Play Store version I checked the ZWO Support forum first to see the list of New Features & Fixes so managed to avoid the problem --> ASIAir 2.2

The iOS version seems to be unaffected.



Edited by CheshireChris
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15 minutes ago, Carbon Brush said:

Thanks for the warning.
A good example of why we should always go to the manufacturer for software, device information, specifications, etc.


Installed the new version it on to my older Samsung Galaxy S7 tablet and yes the Play Store version of 2.2 crashes when 'Enter Device' is pressed, uninstalled it and downloaded the version direct from ZWO and that works OK - there is also a firmware update to the ASIAir that comes with the new version - ZWO don't mention that in their release notes.

I guess a fix for this should get rolled out soon, although it clearly didn't come out in testing which sort of implies their testers don't use the Android or Apple app stores.


Interesting new feature is the new version now offers Bluetooth control of AM3/AM5n mounts which could free up a USB port on the ASIAir.

I think in the future I'll just stand outside in the garden and look up - seems more reliable.....



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The v2.2 beta was only released two weeks ago, so they obviously haven't tested it for very long at all... (Or have done the typically lazy developer thing which is common place now, release it untested and wait for users to complain).

I never update straight away, experience has proven that well.

Edited by Elp
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Wise words - but if you are someone firing up your shiny new ASIAir for the first time you need the app and will inevitably get it from the vendors app store, or you need (or want) the latest bug fixes or new features; then you end up with the same problem.

There is no excuse for not fully testing new releases; which should include downloading from the app stores.



Edited by CheshireChris
Clarity & Typo
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One or two useful upgrades there but nothing that sets the heather on fire for me. My ASiAirs are working perfectly at the moment so I'll delay updating for a while.  Good to see they are issuing these regular developments though despite their roll out issues. 


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Tons of issues being reported on the Asi forum, and not sorted yet.. I disabled auto update on my Android tablet a while back, after losing an evening to a buggy update.

ASI really need an easy software roll back procedure and to stop beta testing on consumers

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The latest update is getting a lot of heat (and to be honest a few recent updates to a lesser extent) .  It feels like the ZWO team are perhaps stretched a little thin these days.  Their consumer base has likely increased a lot too.  Even 2-3 years ago, updates felt more frequent and reliable but could all be rose tinted glasses on my part!

I believe there is a private beta, then a public beta, then general release... but that makes these sorts of issues even more frustrating.  More so when it's fundamental, already working features that suffer.

20 minutes ago, 900SL said:

ASI really need an easy software roll back procedure and to stop beta testing on consumers


Edited by geeklee
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