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AVX Motor Cover Plastic - Broken! ABS?

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Just a quick one before shift. My new to me Celestron AVX mount arrived yesterday with a broken DEC motor cover. There’s no ABS plastic symbol but thought I’d try  E.M.A. Plastic Weld as it does a few types of plastic. Tipped a bit in a tub and used a small paint brush to cover joints and pressed together. Then “painted” over the area with Plastic Weld to finish off.

Not sure if this’ll work. I’ll leave it until I get off shift tonight to let the process completely gas off.

Fingers crossed!






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All sorted and back together. Looks worse than it is with the flash.

Although quite pleased with the AVX, I don't think I would have gone for it if it weren't for my Celestron accessories, Focus Motor (for my 6SE) and Starsence Autoalign.

Having said that, Astro-Gadget AuxFi WiFi dongle for Celestron and using SkyPortal app has improved my user experience using the SE. The point being that the dongle is Celestron specific as too the other accessories. So I'd probably end up with the AVX somewhere along the line. It's just that if I was starting again with "which telescope to get" I'd try a more open source approach.

Anyway, hopefully clear skys this weekend.



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