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LED streetlights beneficial to light pollution?!

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Security ighting makes us feel safer, but the reality is that we're actually less safe.

From Wikipedia: "Security lighting can be counter-productive. Turning off lights halved the number of thefts and burglary in Övertorneå Sweden. A test in West Sussex UK showed that adding all-night lighting in some areas made people there feel safer, although crime rates increased 55% in those areas compared to control areas and to the county as a whole."

Don't forget that burglars also need to see. If it's dark they need to use a torch and that draws attention to them - which is the last thing they want to do. Bear in mind that the majority of burglaries happen in broad daylight!

Security companies delight in making us feel vulnerable so that we buy their products. I wonder if they have a vested interest?

Unfortunately, because the public as a whole now feels insecure there's pressure on politicians to back increased lighting. After all, most politicians aren't concerned with facts; what matters to them are votes.

So firstly public opinion has to change. Eventually I suspect it will as peer pressure on climate change becomes more and more effective. Sadly, it's unlikely to happen soon enough for my generation.

Edited by Second Time Around
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