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H-Alpha on a Mak or Schmidt Cassagrain - possible?

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Hi all -my first article here so be gentle! 🙂

I've been looking at options outside of buying another scope (something like a Coronado pst/ Lunt etc) to view the sun in H-alpha, and would rather utilise what I already have!

Currently I have a deforked  meade etx125 and a C8 (ioptron cem26 mount). What are my options for doing this ,and has anyone here got the same quality images through a Mak/schmidt cas, as they would through a Refractor? I'm talking strictly visual use only here!

I was looking at a erf (energy rejection filter) such as this...


Which is way out of my budget!!

coupled with possibly this...


or something to step down either scope with an off axis erf...


or something machined to accept this combo with off axis?


I've looked on CS site with no luck!

Any input is appreciated!!

Clear sky's to you all!

V'ger (Mario)


p,s it's easier but generally more costly (and less visible) to keep buying accessories for your scopes than buying more scopes when dealing with your other half! 😁







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I believe anything over a 4 inch refractor it's recommended to get a derf filter up front due to the heat buildup inside the scope and to also protect the quark. I don't think there's a way around this requirement for ha with the type of scope you're planning on using, if you're going to step down the clear aperture you might as well get a refractor in the first place, doesn't need to be expensive, a solid no plastic or oil in the objective f10 acromat will do, f10 combined with the quarks 4.2/4.3x in built Barlow gets you down (or is that up?) to a decent f ratio.

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Thanks for your reply Elp!

I was thinking what you have already said in that a Refractor is possibly the only way to go! An 8 inch stepped down with the coronado setup might be feasible? Unless the central obstruction causes issues with a Etalon?


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I would be wary of purchasing anything from Coronado until their trading future is settled.  Coronado was taken over by Meade and Meade has apparently ceased trading.

Neither your Mak or SCT are really suitable for Ha solar viewing although this is possible, however you stop the apertures down you will still be subject to the native focal length which will result in very high focal ratios.  The cheapest option to get into Ha solar observation would appear to be a Lunt 40 telescope, 40mm is perfectly adequate to see the main Ha features and will not require any modification or compromises that could arise with a mix and match approach.     🙂  


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It's certainly a better option if US based as it's much cheaper than in other regions, it was when I looked into it a while ago.

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1 hour ago, Peter Drew said:

Meade has apparently ceased trading

Apparently, Orion USA has shut down as well (same corporate ownership as Meade since the lawsuit settlement).

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