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Cannot view from my back yard anymore.

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8 hours ago, VNA said:

Hello, the little city--suburbof San Francisco, where I live does not have street lights, but a much bigger city not too far, lights up the sky.
Light filters if they exist do not help from what I am reading?
So that is why I live in Bortle 5, 30 years ago I could see the milky way, now I can't even see Polaris?
No I am not moving!

I'm in a Bortle 6, give or take, suburb.  I also used to be able to see the Milky Way.  However, two tollways, many strip malls, a couple of high schools with their athletic field lights, mega grocery stores, and car dealerships were all built around me over the past 30 years.  I can only see stars naked eye down to about magnitude 1, sometimes 2, on most nights.  Right after a strong cold front in the winter, I can easily see naked eye down to mag 3 or so.  Our high summer humidity and particulate levels help exacerbate sky glow during that season.

As magnification goes up, light pollution effects tend to go down for all but diffuse DSOs.  Good UHC and OIII filters can definitely help improve contrast on many nebula.  Galaxies will remain elusive except for their cores.

Planets, the moon, and solar observing can all make for good observing from such skies.

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1 hour ago, wookie1965 said:

Done that twice and never did anything plus I have had no email like it says.


Have you checked your spam or junk folders Paul? I would agree that it is closed but assigned for inspection so you should follow it up with them

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Might be worth dropping an email to the LG re what their position would be on that security light being a statutory nuisance?





The key line in the link above is this sentance:

"A nuisance can be defined as an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of someone else’s property. This takes account of frequency, duration and intensity of the nuisance amongst other factors."

I had and hopefully won't have again a problem with my neighbours installing a 360 degree light that was illuminating my back garden trees (similar to the one in your photograph) rather than a properly installed and downward directing light.

I did contact West Suffolk re. the issue and they were very helpful and would have done a site visit/assessment if I had had no luck with the "friendly approach" to try and resolve the issue.





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15 hours ago, Stu said:

Have you checked your spam or junk folders Paul? I would agree that it is closed but assigned for inspection so you should follow it up with them

Hi Stu, 

             Yes checked everywhere nothing but now I have a name so going to see if I can contact the gentleman. 


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