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August 6, 2024: On a roll with WL and Ca-K disks

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Three days in a row, what luxury! Another set of WL and Ca-K disks. This time I took the usual 1000 frames for WL, but upped the frame count for Ca-K to 10,000, in the hope of being able to push the processing a bit to enhance the proms a bit more in the part inverted images.



Ca-K, grey scale:


Ca-K, pseudo colour:


Ca-K, part inverted:


Ca-K, part inverted + pseudo colour:


I think the trick does work, and it certainly allows a bit more aggressive sharpening in ImPPG. I am puzzled that my ASI178MM seems to want to run at 18.3 FPS in FireCapture, whereas I know I had it running at much faster rates before. Can't seem to find the USB traffic settings I used to tweak in the past. 18 FPS is what my ASI183MC manages at full 22 Mpixel, so this is odd.


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