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Nova Vulpeculae 2024.

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1 hour ago, robin_astro said:

Even though the overall brightness is dropping, the H alpha emission  is  holding up well  and is dominating the spectrum

Ah! I had not thought of that, so a changeover to my astro-mod DSLR is indicated ?!



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I managed to get a view of the nova last night. I was using my 8" Dob and my 24mm Hyperion giving x50.

I estimated the mag at 11.3 as it appeared slightly fainter than HD344858 (11.19)



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It got very clear here after about 23:00 so I was out, and thanks to this thread made sure to have a look. Fascinating to see this so thanks for the heads up.

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I'm a bit late to this, I had a go at this just now with a 72mm refractor and 3.5mm, Delos. I got the right spot with the kinked line of 4 stars and got orientated correctly and checked back and forth to sky safari and the AAVSO chart but I couldn't see it directly or with averted vision. I didn't make a note of the faintest star I could see but checking back on Sky Safari I could see to at least mag 11.2 directly. That said it was still good to be going out with a purpose.

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I had another go tonight, this time with a C8 and think I got it. Having spent the time last night getting familiar with the area it seemed a good idea to put that knowledge to use.

Using sky safari rather than the aavso chart to check against magnitude of other stars I thought it was dimmer than 12.6 and not dimmer than 13.4.

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Seestar image from this morning's session. Slightly hazy at time of shot, but same 1 minute exposure as my earlier post. Definite red tinge to the Nova to my eyes anyhow!

Regards to all,


Nova Vulpeculae 2024 2024-08-10.jpg

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Finally got a couple of images of the Nova after being defeated by cloud, equipment failure etc.  I had great difficulty in locating the nova and its marker of four stars in a close line as the Platesolve refused to co-operate. The Nova is the red object to the right of the image, to the right of the 4-star pattern. It looks even redder in ASTAP, which I used to confirm the identification.

V613 vul_00001 21_18_21Z_.png

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Clear night tonight so I had a look for this nova again using a 10 inch dob. After some very careful searching at 200x - 300x magnification I am getting averted vision traces of something in the right position but it's right on the limit of visibility tonight - my guess is mag 13.5 or maybe even a touch fainter ?

Quite a change since my previous sightings !


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