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Slugs and Astronomy

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The sky was semi clear last night so I decided to get the dob outside for a quick look at Saturn. Luckily I went out to my observing spot beforehand and found it surrounded and covered by dozens of large Slugs. I decided not to bother and went to bed.

This isn't the first time I've aborted a session this summer because of slugs. Am I being victimised or are others having the same issue?


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I can't say they're picking on me, but I've certainly had plenty in the garden this year.  I think that the excessively damp year has lead to a boom in them -  my wife's had most of her veg destroyed by slugs or pigeons and the awful weather. 

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If you don't want problems with slugs, I recommend you move to La Palma. It is far too dry for slugs there.

OTOH, you will have problems with geckos leaving small black and white pellets almost everywhere, so you can't have it all.

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There have been at least two articles in The Guardian this year about the excess of slugs this year.  Initially, I thought it was just me.  But no:



I must admit that I did commit something of a slug genocide a few weeks ago when I went out into the garden, found the hotspots armed with a large salt shaker and went for it.  I have regrets but my garden isn't completely overrun.  They've started coming back now.

If you really are concerned, sprinkle down a wall of salt.  It will stop them although if any crawl in, it might be a little messy.

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A couple of Hedgehogs should do the trick or Copper tape around the observing area will also keep them at bay. Failing that beer in a potting dish can attract the blighters (it’s a good excuse for testing the beer first).

Suddenly I have this vision of a rocking chair and a man with a 12 bore on the porch…..

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3 hours ago, Hughsie said:

A couple of Hedgehogs should do the trick

We used to have regular hedgehog visits at our previous house. We started leaving out food for them, but found that it attracted hordes of slugs after dusk.
No problem, I thought, hedgehogs eat slugs. Not ours. They left the slugs and ate whatever food they hadn't yet hoovered up.

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3 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

We used to have regular hedgehog visits at our previous house. We started leaving out food for them, but found that it attracted hordes of slugs after dusk.
No problem, I thought, hedgehogs eat slugs. Not ours. They left the slugs and ate whatever food they hadn't yet hoovered up.

I’ve been told, by a hedgehog rescue, that it’s a bit of a myth that hedgehogs like slugs. Apparently they only eat them as a last resort (if very hungry or sick etc). And one reason that they don’t is because of parasites like lungworm.

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2 hours ago, Zermelo said:

They left the slugs and ate whatever food they hadn't yet hoovered up.

Love it, gourmet hedgehogs that dislike ‘fast food’!

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It's only me that likes slugs then?

I don't mind picking them up and moving them on, after all, unlike snails, they are homeless... 😁

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Yeah, I trundled my newly constructed Dob around the side of the house the other night, and just avoided running over three enormous slugs on the slabs. As I approached them in the gloom I initially thought someone had spilt a can of hot dog sausages on the path.☺️

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2 minutes ago, Elp said:

And to think in warmer climates they may have to deal with spiders and scorpions which could kill you...

We'll be safe in NW England, where we are having The Year With No Summer...

Need a vivarium for scorpions here!

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Before setting up, I check over the area and gently push away the encroaching slugs with my shoe. I've never cancelled a session due to a High Mollusc Index, but my partner won't step outside to look at any telescopic sight due to slug anxiety.

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I keep a couple of the borders pretty wild with some wild strawbs in them thinking being they'd rather stay where there is cover and rotting vegitation to eat than go out into the open.

Also next door have a pond with frogs, which is suspect helps more.

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Took a pewter tankard of beer outside. Problem arose with the rig. After fixing it, went back to pick up the beer. As I put it to my lips, noticed an enormous slug on the tankard! 

Edited by woldsman
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In a meadow where the moonlight glows,
A telescope stands where the wild grass grows.
Through its lens, the stars appear,
As slugs and frogs draw ever near.
The slugs, they slide with a silvery trail,
While frogs croak tales of a far-off vale.
Beside the telescope, a tankard of beer,
Foamy and golden, brings good cheer.
The astronomer sips, eyes on the skies,
As constellations dance before his eyes.
Frogs leap high, in a jubilant spree,
While slugs move slow, in harmony.
Stars twinkle bright in the midnight clear,
Reflected in the tankard of beer.
A night of wonders, both near and far,
With slugs, frogs, beer and a sky full of stars.


[This is an AI thread summary. No brain cells were harmed in creating this poem.]

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This year has been very unusual but I fear may become the norm. Roses covered in with Aphids in February, very few Bumble bees and Butterflies. The population of Magpies seems to have trebled this year. Wasp population down but as reported slug count is up. Walking up the path to the observatory I need to watch where I tread. 

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13 hours ago, Hertford Stargazer said:

The sky was semi clear last night so I decided to get the dob outside for a quick look at Saturn. Luckily I went out to my observing spot beforehand and found it surrounded and covered by dozens of large Slugs. I decided not to bother and went to bed.

This isn't the first time I've aborted a session this summer because of slugs. Am I being victimised or are others having the same issue?


Hi Neil

Yes I suffer from backyard leeches, slugs and snails. Was out last night taking a few snaps of the stars in the dark. This morning there were squashed slugs all over the paving slabs. In the excitement of actually seeing ‘stars’, I had unwittingly sent legions of slugs to their maker. I haven’t inspected the soles of my sandals but suspect they are not a pretty sight! 

George in a thoroughly slimed Lowestoft.







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14 hours ago, Paul M said:

It's only me that likes slugs then?

I don't mind picking them up and moving them on, after all, unlike snails, they are homeless... 😁

Our neighbour in France calls them "escargot SDF" (sans domicile fixe)

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