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Controlling my rig with laptop help

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Ok so here goes, I currently image with a ASI Air but want to use said rig for spectroscopy also. For those who have never tried this focusing is critical, more so I would say than when imaging.  So I need to be able to run live video, focus and analyse all at the same time.

Much as Tom ( field test solutions) and I have tried we cannot figure a workaround when using the AIR+, so have decided to look into controlling via laptop and hopefully a USB3 jumper ext cable so I can do this inside my nice warm home.

Anyway, the latter part is not that relevant, I need advice on what hardware and software I am missing and/or needs updating.

I use an HEM 15 mount and ZWO 120 mini for guiding, 183MM main and have a decent mid/high range laptop running windows 11 with sharpcap installed (happy to get pro again, my licence expired a few months back)

So my question is, what else do I need to get it all running and tracking.  (EG, hubs, cable, software etc)

TIA, steve

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16 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

So my question is, what else do I need to get it all running and tracking.  (EG, hubs, cable, software etc)

Hi Steve

I  used to run cables from the mount to my laptop in the warmth. You would need an active USB cable and mine cost 130 euros for a 10m run plus a hub at the mount for another 50 euros. All well and good until the cable died - I think someone stood on it. Anyway, I now use a cheap mini PC at the mount (90 euros)  running NINA, PHD2, etc .

and connect to it using wifi and Google Remote. A much better solution in my opinion; no cable running through walls and to stand on. Just an idea for you to ponder.

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I have suggested in another recent one of OPs threads to use an EAF. If you can't achieve near perfect focus with that, I don't know what else to suggest.

The workflow they're doing might be different from standard AP.

But yes, still all controllable via wifi with just the air (zwo EAF needed though).


Edited by Elp
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Hi I use a asiair mini it controls my 533camera the eaf focuser, as for the mount control I use a synscan dongle and a lactara egm for guiding all of which I can control from indoors when it's cold

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I guess everyone will say something slightly different works for them. For what it's worth, my recommendations would be:

Long USB runs regularly cause issues for people. For anything other than video / planetary, I would recommend forcing to USB 2 (use a USB2 cable somewhere) and keep runs as short as possible. Use quality cables. Even then, with just a 5m run and hubs at both ends, I still had dropouts. 

So better still - put a mini PC at the mount, and then access from indoors via Remote Desktop if you can. I use a Mele Quieter 4C connected back to my router with an ethernet cable. Works a treat.

Software - I would strongly recommend NINA. Free, under continuous development, with support available via DIscord. I do use Sharpcap for one or two of the tools it provides, but not for my main imaging. 

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On 30/07/2024 at 18:49, Elp said:

I have suggested in another recent one of OPs threads to use an EAF. If you can't achieve near perfect focus with that, I don't know what else to suggest.

The workflow they're doing might be different from standard AP.

But yes, still all controllable via wifi with just the air (zwo EAF needed though).



On 30/07/2024 at 18:30, carastro said:

Pretty sure I know some-one who uses ASIAir and controls it from indoors over a WIFI connection.  

Thanks guys but the ability to run a live video through the Rspec programme is what is required so focusing can be on on the fly, without this focusing becomes very clunky. I should have been clear about this but thanks for the posts.


On 31/07/2024 at 07:58, Fegato said:

I guess everyone will say something slightly different works for them. For what it's worth, my recommendations would be:

Long USB runs regularly cause issues for people. For anything other than video / planetary, I would recommend forcing to USB 2 (use a USB2 cable somewhere) and keep runs as short as possible. Use quality cables. Even then, with just a 5m run and hubs at both ends, I still had dropouts. 

So better still - put a mini PC at the mount, and then access from indoors via Remote Desktop if you can. I use a Mele Quieter 4C connected back to my router with an ethernet cable. Works a treat.

Software - I would strongly recommend NINA. Free, under continuous development, with support available via DIscord. I do use Sharpcap for one or two of the tools it provides, but not for my main imaging. 

Now there are some ideas on here I think I will play around with in my head before I settle on anything.

A useful idea to me would be using my existing imaging laptop outdoors to capture whilst remote desktopping it with my powerfull PC. You may have given me what I thinkk I need. 

I will first spend some time looking into NINA then see where we go from there.

cheers all


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Think this is your answer taken from their website:

"RSpec works seamlessly with SharpCap and other camera control programs."

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3 hours ago, Elp said:

Think this is your answer taken from their website:

"RSpec works seamlessly with SharpCap and other camera control programs."

Yes I noticed this and given I have already some familiarity with it, I am also considering this.

I have already found a simple upgrade to W11 pro is all I need on the laptop to enable remote desktop so just deciding what operating programme (sharpcap, NINA, A.N Other) I want to go with.

There is also a strong [possibility that I will not need a USB hub due to the ZWO pro camera having two additional usb 2 ports but I am not that far in as yet.



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I had a suspicion focusing wasn't as simple for your application and it turns out this is the case, you have to focus for different spectra I believe which isn't necessarily at the same point as crisp AP star focus. 

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Posted (edited)
On 01/08/2024 at 19:23, Elp said:

I had a suspicion focusing wasn't as simple for your application and it turns out this is the case, you have to focus for different spectra I believe which isn't necessarily at the same point as crisp AP star focus. 

Yes you're spot on there. Focusing is done on the spectrum itself and it can vary between say an A type star to an M class quite a bit.

For anyone else picking up on this thread and how I am getting around things, here is where I am up to.

Teamviewer app is available for free so my base station can be used to control the laptop in garden controlling the mount and cameras. It seems very stable and very easy to use.

After downloading the various ascom drivers I have the cameras and mount connected up to sharpcap and responding to commands although I need to put in some work figuring out how to use sharpcap properly.

I can actually use the ASI Air as a power hub saving buying new power supplies and if needs be can also use it with the ZWO EAF for manual focusing although this adds another layer to what isn't a simple process to begin with.

However the Air app is wifi anyway so isn't too much of an issue (see below)

Have not found a way to operate the EAF manually via sharpcap, this is important. Therefore the use of the ASI Air app is a useful fallback if needed although would prefer control all via sharpcap.

I will try out polar alignment via sharpcap but again I could use the Air for this then simply switch 2 usb cables into the laptop after alignment.

Finally need to relearn live video streaming direct to RSpec for focusing but seem to remember that was pretty basic.

So you can see I have made quite a bit of headway. There are workarounds to any potential issues although I would prefer total control of all processes with sharpcap but a fallback combination of sharpcap and ASI Air being an option albeit a little heath robinson.

EDIT: Figured manual focus control so that is much better.

Cheers for all suggestions.


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