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NGC6990 Western Veil nebula

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I finally managed to start collecting data on the Western Veil, on my to do list since starting astrophotography last year. I have around 3h of data in total from last night, with the idea of adding until I get to 15h perhaps. Hopefully that will show all the good stuff in the area :) But for the initial 3h I'm quite pleased with myself. I like that there's a fair amount of detail in the Pickering's Triangle too! 

Acquisition: 97x120" frames, 10 darks, 10 bias, 10 flats. 60% moon, Bortle 6 sky. 

Equipment: SA GTI, WO z61 with flattener, Canon 2000d modded, Optolong L-Extreme, Asiair Mini, ZWO Mini Finder-Guider & ASI 120MM-Mini guide camera.

Siril: stacking, crop, background extraction, green noise removal, photometric colour calibration, generalised hyperbolic stretch. (I ran starnet which usually gives me no problem but this time the starless result was so obviously messed up, not sure why, so I decided to process with the stars in).

GIMP: levels, curves, I created different layers for the red and the blue, streched and increased saturation. 

A very light touch with Topaz DeNoise. 

Any comments are more than welcome, keen to learn!

NGC6990 Western veil nebula crop.jpg

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14 minutes ago, Roy Foreman said:

That is a great image. With the extra data you hope to get it should bring out all the really faint stuff !

Thanks! I hope the clear sky gods will help us... I'm really excited at seeing how much I can push my dslr

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