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ASI Air live view on laptop rather than device

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Maybe I am missing something but not sure. I want to be able to run a live view through my laptop to get best focus when carrying out spectroscopy.  After that would be happy reverting to normal mode usage.

Currently it is a long winded effort each time trying to achieve prime focus as I am having to download fit files, test focus, retake image and retest sometimes taking as much time as I manage in actual imaging. Live view would take seconds to adjust and would really improve my results too.

Has anyone else managed to do something similar irrespective of what you are doing it for, just managed to run main scope images into a laptop direct!



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Have you tried using a tablet with the asiair app and using the focus routine in the air?

Edited by Elp
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5 hours ago, Elp said:

Have you tried using a tablet with the asiair app and using the focus routine in the air?

won't work mate, I still need instant access to files to analyse focus.  I actually had an idea that maybe just disconnecting the USB 3 cable from camera and using one from the laptop (via sharpcap) once polar aligning is complete would work but it is all a little bit heath robinson.

Think I need to speak with some other spectroscopy guys for some ideas!

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8 hours ago, StevieDvd said:

Depending on which AsiAir you have, and how you connect to it,  there may be an option to access the (saved) files remotely on your laptop.  Would that be an acceptable method?

For example https://www.zwoastro.com/2019/08/16/asiair-guide-3-ways-to-import-images-from-asiair/


Doing the wifi is my current method, it works but is slow and time consuming as each file needs to be downloaded and analysed.

Actually now considering using sharpcap to do the controlling and guiding and removing the asi air out of the equation for spectroscopy only. Downside is I have no idea what I need to do to set it all up! Everyday is a school day eh!

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