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Top 10 Favorite YouTube Channels for Imaging Education

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Hi All,

I wanted to see what you folks are watching in order to ensure continuous learning and to bring your imaging to the next level.  I wanted to share my top 10 favorite YouTubers that have really helped teach me the ropes and provide inspiration and motivation. My list is by no means exhaustive, but I wanted to keep a list of manageable length for people to weigh in. My list is not ranked,  I love all of these guys for their knowledge, wit, enthusiasm and encouragement.  I think they all should have their pictures on currency, or maybe we should honor them on some newly created Imaging Awards Day!!

Seti Astro

Easy Astro Images

Peter Zelinka

Cuiv the Lazy Geek


View Into Space

Dylan O’Donnell

Nebula Photos

Dark Rangers



Thank you all for your perspective and input!!

Clear Skies to all!






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A lot of YTs don't know why they're doing what they're doing. Adam Block knows his stuff, even if you don't use PI you can learn a lot just by listening.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/07/2024 at 00:33, wimvb said:

Both are excellent, but the Pixinsight channel is still guilty of sometimes not explaining why to change a certain setting in a process, while Adam Block tells all.

Having said that, the real best of AB is the paid content on his website. Not cheap, but worth the outlay, IMHO.

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Astro Backyard is really good. Trevor explains things nice and clearly for beginners and seems like a thoroughly nice guy! Helped me a lot when I was starting out. 

I also thought Astrobiscuit’s videos were very helpful. He has a relatable way of explaining various aspects of astrophotography - but he seems to have vanished. 

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On 31/07/2024 at 11:12, Pompey Monkey said:

Having said that, the real best of AB is the paid content on his website. Not cheap, but worth the outlay, IMHO.

I agree, although he can sometimes overdo the detail.

Personally I like Cuiv and Patriot Astro, but I do not really watch too much YT. If I have a question, I ask here.

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Adding some not previously mentioned...


General AP info:

The Astro Imaging Chanel https://youtube.com/@taic

AstroWorldTV - skip first 20-30 min https://youtube.com/@astroworldtv

Cosmos Safari


Wide field:

Late, Alyn Wallace 

Richard Tatti - Nightscape Images

Lonly Speck

Michael Goh


Deep Sky:

View into Space

Visible Dark

The Narrowband Chanel 

Galactic Hunter


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I think it is rather easy to lose hours (if not days) viewing YouTube channels and some actually deter the newbie from going out and doing stuff.

I found Pete Zelinka and Alyn Wallace (sadly missed) both to be very watchable and informative. PZ got me through the initial steps in my ZWO ASi journey (but that did cause me to buy yet more gear) and Alyn was simply inspirational at using more simple photography gear (of which I seem to have quite a bit) for astro imaging. 

Beyond capturing images, the question of what we do with them brings in which software packages you choose to apply. Now that I'm getting some decent DSO images with the 80mmED f/6.25 frac, I'm trying out Astro Pixel Processor. I think that Nik Szymanek's Astronomy & Music Channel provides good instructions for even a very basic image processor such as me, at least enough to convince me and another local imager to try APP.

I admit to being scared by Photoshop and try to use Lightroom Classic in preference so any tips on where to find decent instructional videos for using PS for Astro work?


Clear skies all,



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