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NGC 7023 Iris Nebula

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Hello group. An object that probably does not need to be written too much, everyone knows and likes. For me, I think the object is cursed, every time I approached I was never 100% satisfied. This time the material was not entirely good because of the high level clouds, which caused, among other things, a halo on larger stars. I hope you like it and, as always, I encourage you to leave a comment.

Atik 383L CCD

Newton 6" + Baader MKIII Coma Corector

56x600s RGB




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20 minutes ago, 900SL said:

I would be delighted with that!

What newtonian are you using?

I'm very glad you like it.  It is a Newton from GSO 6" F5, I bought the basic one. Then I gradually improved it, among other things, it was lined with black material on the inside, the edges of the mirrors were blackened, the focuser was replaced with a Baader Diamond Stelltrack and many other small things..


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7 hours ago, Pompey Monkey said:

Very nice!

Everybody is jumping on to the CMOS cameras these days, but the KAF8300 is a great sensor and still delivers, as you've shown, excellent results

In my opinion, you need to be familiar with the equipment... not the equipment, but the operator's creativity and willingness to learn what he uses gives the result...

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On 05/07/2024 at 14:44, Pompey Monkey said:

Very nice!

Everybody is jumping on to the CMOS cameras these days, but the KAF8300 is a great sensor and still delivers, as you've shown, excellent results :)

Indeed they are, I had two, the QSI 583 and 683 in years gone by. But current CMOS camera's are much superior with read noise at least 5x less, higher QE and smaller pixels

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