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Focuser upgrade advice needed

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Hello all

Im looking for some advice on a focuser upgrade for the Skywatcher 250PDS if possible, this scope will be used for imaging and will have a zwo1600/filterwheel plus the usual bits hanging off it, i did try my best with the stock focuser along with all the fantastic mods on the net and although it is not that bad its just not up to it for imaging with that amount of weight swinging off it so i am asking what the recommendations are lately for an upgrade? i was looking for a rack and pinion but also being drawn to the Baader diamond steeltrack, im aware that the OTA will have to be drilled to accept this which is not a problem at all but was also wondering at the same time if anyone has tried something different? im pretty sure the Baader was the way to go when i last looked a few years back so is this still the case?

i look forward to your advice


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I would go down the Baader route myself. Well made, solid, fully collimatable and no backlash. I think when I last looked there were not many R&P options around for Newtonians - or at least for a sensible price. The only negative for the Baader is that they do have slight light leakage. This can be easily resolved by the use of some foam under the focuser around the draw tube. (I did mine from the packaging the ST came with).  There is a CYCK focuser that is OK according to Cuiv the Lazy Geek, which is also cheaper. Depends if you are happy to buy from China / ebay. The other benefit is you will not have to drill your tube.

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Thanks guys, I've gone for the Baader, I did see that one Cuiv reviewed and was tempted by it but I do like a bit of support if something is out of place, anyway it's on the way now so thanks again..

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