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What has happened here? Weird pattern on Solar image

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1000 frames captured on ZWO ASI530MCPRO, stacked in Autostakkert3

The file that doesn't show the _conv as part of the name doesn't have the pattern.

Looks like it should be on the wall of Moonbase Alpha courtesy of Gerry Anderson...


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Posted (edited)

First thing I'd ask is where is the sun in that screenshot with your APs?

That pattern usually happens if the target is moving around a lot or your exposures aren't consistent frame to frame.

As you've enabled the sharpen check box the second image it generates is the sharpened one and will highlight such artifacts more.


Edited by Elp
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The screenshot is of the next run I did with the same settings. The sun looked very muted though the product was brighter. This also had the pattern on it. I used the screenshot to demonstrate what settings were active.


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I would suggest try with far far less alignment points as there are no distinguished patterns within the majority of them for them to have any effect. I did WL recently and only used around 8 APs, each centred on one sunspot each.

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I would suggest turning off multi scale and sharpening.


I get this sometimes if I have had cloud come through when capturing.

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Posted (edited)

Almost certainly an alignment issue , the time for initial alignment should be a few seconds not eight minutes !

Try running the capture through PIPP first  , to align the features and crop to a reduced area of interest , as well as doing an initial quality selection thus drastically reducing stacking time and eliminating artifacts.


Edited by Steve Ward
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