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TV comedy ruined by refractor.

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Watching Frasier, C4+1 today and the re occurring problem of the gold refractor.

My wife and I were watching, wife laughing whilst I frowned.

Wife: what's the problem?

Marv: that refractor is upside down!

Wife: For crying out loud can't you just watch the programme.

Marv: It appears to be on a basic mount but the spotter scope is underneath.

Wife: Why does that matter?

Marv: Not only that but the focus knobs on on the top!

Wife: So what.


Wife: I want a divorce. 

Marv: You can have the house but I am keeping my Newts.

Wife: sounds great.

  • Haha 14
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In times gone by a slip up like that that would have merited a steaming letter to The Times signed "Angry of France" 😄

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