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First night with new CEM70

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I took the plunge and bought a new cem70 mount and tripier a few weeks back and so finally managed to get it all set up. Today I set up the mini pc and cables and as luck would have it tonight is clear!!! I've spent tonight setting up phd2 and making sure everything is talking to each other.  We'll to say I'm blown away by this mount is an under statement. Slewing to targets via nina puts them bang center  of my camera!!!! Guiding performance seems to be something I could of only dreamed about a few days ago, I'm really pleased with this mount and pier combo, I'm sat here looking at the a guiding graph that is almost perfectly flat!!! RMS error total 0.17 !!! unbelievable, this mount has replaced my trusty neq6 and I have to say I'm not disappointed. My only gripe is the small screws holding the top plate of the tripier, these are totally inadequate imho, so will probably replace these.



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Impressive RMS figures.

The graph won't look so flat if you set the Y axis to a more sensible 4arcsecs.

Which will also show the correction pulses, and how effective they are.


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Good choice, I have one and have been pretty happy with it…
The RMS guide figures are 0.55, and not 0.17, as you need to use the arc seconds and not the pixel metric, as that is not what should be used, because it means nothing as it’s just to do with the size of the pixel in the guide camera. these figures are fairly normal for this mount, I get 0.4 -0.8 depending on the seeing. Also you should lower the scale on the graph, down from 12x to 4x.


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Thanks Michael, i will make the adjustments, feel a bit deflated now lol. Stuart, in  PhD graph settings it is set to the arc seconds setting but will double check, so the arc minutes are the total error in the brackets? doh

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8 minutes ago, dark knight said:

Thanks Michael, i will make the adjustments, feel a bit deflated now lol. Stuart, in  PhD graph settings it is set to the arc seconds setting but will double check, so the arc minutes are the total error in the brackets? doh

Yes, it’s the arc seconds in brackets, you need to concentrate on, not the pixels, so 0.55 in that graph…which is still pretty good…..if it can average that then all good….👍🏻

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