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Dobsonion Goto/tracking project WIP

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hi guys and gals!


im currently working on a goto/tracking system for the average dobsonion mount.

there will be abit of modifications to do to the frame but very minimal (afew screws and afew holes)

heres a screenshot of where im at right now with the first motor mount

there are bearings to place but i havent modeled them


if you could follow me on youtube to that would be cool (roundswithnocontext) (noosey)

ive designed some other things too which are on youtube( not alot)

and a screen shot of a stackable dslr camera mount with built in controller


The gear ratio is around 600:1 due to the motor having a 100:1 gearbox on already which i think is enough for now but will be modified for better tracking.


any recommendations are welcome.


hopefully ive placed this in the right topic haha

Case is finished with photos 📸 

R1 v4.png

R1 v42.png

dslr motortest.png




Edited by Roundswithnocontext
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