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Vista Home Premium

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Hi Guys

I have recently acquired a new Laptop which has Vista Home Premium as the OS .

Does all astronomy software recognise Vista or will i have problems ?

I have DSLR Focus as my main imaging software.

Your views would be very much appreciated.

p.s I also use KCCD3,Craterlet,Stellarium and CDC.



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All of those programs work with Vista (well, they do on my machine).

You will have problems with your webcam though. However, you can 'flash the eeprom' to convert it into a SPC900 then use the drivers for that. See WcRmac - Description for details.


Edit: http://www.azcendant.com/VistaToUcamInstall.htm shows how to get the 740 working with Vista. Might work for the 840??

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