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Eclipse at Poplar Bluff Missouri


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I traveled 900 miles with no guarantee of clear skies but was pleasantly surprised by the outcome.  I set up using a Losmandy G11 with an Orion EON80 and Canon 7Ti at prime focus.  All shot at ISO100 and exposed   1/800  1/250  1/30 respectively.






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I spent 2 minutes bracketing exposures using the Canon app on my phone which made it very easy and fast.  I went up to 2 seconds but that blew everything out.  I spent the last 2 minutes looking at the sky, Jupiter and Venus were very bright but Saturn was in the tree line.  I set up in a parking area for a Trail Head with about 10 other cars.  I was the only one with equipment for photography.  I got to meet some interesting people who also traveled some distance.  Funny thing was there were no locals there.


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Excellent images!

I wish I had took a moment to change my exposure to catch the prominence, but when it went total, I just watched the spectacle with the rest of the gathered crowd. 

The wife and I went to Cape Girardeau. 

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