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Sky-Watcher 7mm UWA 58° Eye Piece Questions

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Hi All,

I have a Sky-Watcher 7mm UWA 58° EP, see below, that I have some questions about.



  1. The EP has a fluted rubber element that turns, like the focussing ring on a DSLR lens. Am I right in thinking that this is for focussing and the idea is that you can use this to adjust the EP so you don't have to readjust the main focuser when swapping between EPs? If I'm wrong in that assumption, what is it for?!
  2. The eyecup has some degradation, see below. Is it possible to replace this and if so, where would I source one? Are eyecups interchangeable?


Thank you all!


Edited by Flakmunky
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Twisting the top section of the eyepiece moves that section up and down but does not move the optics in the eyepiece - it's a kind of adjustable eye cup but does not alter the optical focus of either the eyepiece or the scope.

Generally with these designs, those who wear glasses when observing use the top section at a lower position, ie: screwed downwards. Those who do not wear glasses when observing will probably find having the top section in a higher position more effective ie: screwed upwards.

I'm not sure where you might get a replacement rubber eye cup from. OVL are the main Skywatcher importer so perhaps they could help ?:

Stargazing Telescopes, Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Microscopes by OVL - Optical Vision Ltd

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