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Newbie to StarSense AutoAlign

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After I have aligned my telescope with AutoAlign, can I remove the AutoAlign gear to put my Piggyback on my 8SE for my DSLR camera.  Then, when finished the AP, do i have to replace the AutoAlign gear and repeat the alignment procedures if I have not moved the tripod (screwnailed the feet to the floor) or the telescope?


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Can you clarify whether you have the Autoalign camera system or the smartphone software version?

Assuming it's the former, I would suggest that unplugging things while powered up is not a good idea, and what you need to do is to provide mountings for Starsense and DSLR simultaneously.  You might have trouble getting the Starsense off without causing the vertical alignment to slip. (On my outfit, the Starsense camera is mounted below and to the right of the OTA, looking from the rear.)

Anyway, the C8 SE is not a great mount for astrophotography. 

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Thanks for the reply, Geoff.  The gear is mounted on my 8SE, not using the smartphone.

The original tripod is my only mount but am squirreling away any extra funds I can get for a better mount.

I only put the AutoAlign on my OTA the other day and with help I am as far as entering the Date, Time and Location  Tonight I may be able to get the complete alignment done as we are supposed to have clear sky overnight.  Once I get the complete alignments and calibrations done, I won't be moving the tripod at all.  It is inmy "Igloo" dome observatory in the back yard. 

I want to be able to start both Prime and piggyback AP ASAP.  the AutoAlign gear is using the only 2 screw locations on the OTA.  If I can find something that can screw into the bottom of my DSLR and will slide into the AutoAlign mount, then it will be a piece of pie to swap between the AutoAlign and the DSLR as there are just the 2 thumb screws that will hold either/or to the OTA.


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Once you turn the system off, it is irrelevant whether you move the tripod or not. So far as I recall, it does not have a 'Park' and 'Resume from Park' as the Skywatcher EQ series mounts do.

There should be several screw locations on the OTA Mine has (looking from rear)

lower right - used to mount Starsense.

mid right - front and back points used to mount a custom accessory bar

upper right - red dot finder position - only used for initial alignment of the Starsense, or for 'solar system' alignment.  

I suggest you use the mid right or upper right positions to mount the DSLR (you may have to buy or make a suitable bracket).

Anyway, the SE mount is not really suited for imaging, either piggyback or through the telescope.

You will find it less frustrating to use a camera tracker mount for the DSLR, or invest in an imaging-capable mount like the AVX or HEQ5.

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2 hours ago, Space Manta Ray said:

It is in my "Igloo" dome observatory in the back yard.

The Starsense system depends on having a fairly unrestricted view of the sky, so I do not expect it to work well from inside a typical observatory dome.

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