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Lunar Crater Scheiner


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A fantastic couple of hours sat on the banks of the Moon just fishing. Lots to see and admire, with a spectacular display of wrinkle ridges along the terminator, and an endless amount of incredible detail wherever I looked. Eventually a tiddler got hooked on my line as the fine detail within Scheiner grabbed my attention. I haven't drawn the Moon for quite a while, so thought its time to catch this detail in a sketch. My main interests are crater floors, as hidden gems lurk unappreciated there, often outshone by spectacular terracing. It was the slender fine rill with a tiny crater pit that first got my interest and I pondered for ages trying to decide if I had the stamina to sketch this. The Moon is my arch nemesis as I feel like I've taken on something much stronger than I am.

Scheiner. 20/03/24,  19.43UT. Takahashi FS128, prism view. ~120X max bright ll binoviewer. Seeing II Antoniadi.


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