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12v Power supply question

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Power supply question for you clever people...

I am by no means clever when it comes to electronics ect, so for those who know about this stuff..... 

I have this power supply and was just looking at the specs on the product page and I'm a little concerned that in the description it mentions 12.5v and the asiair and my gti mount state they need just 12v...



Should / could I use this safely to power my asiair mini ? Or my star adventurer gti ? Which both state 12v 



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Most astro gear likes a bit more than 12V so it will be fine. My '12V' supply is 13.8V and it runs all my kit without any problem. I'm not sure how fussy the Air is, but my mini PCs are rated from 12 - 19V so I doubt it will hurt it.

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If it's a stabilized power supply, (as most are nowadays), which means it gives a fixed voltage output, independent of the current drawn, up to its max current rating, then it will be fine. As long as it can supply the current the mount and asiair need is the main thing. Five amps is a commonly stated rating for suitable supplies.

If you're unsure then give the model number of your current supply and we'll tell you. 🙂


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