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Best way to store the nexstar 8se

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I just got my new nexstar 8se a few days ago and was wondering what's the best / safest way to store it when not in use ...


At the moment I have left it all put together with the OTA attached and pointing slightly upward with a nice large dust cover over the top...


Is it recommended to remove the OTA and store it a different way ? Or is it absolutely fine to leave it all built ? I'd rather leave it built to be honest as I can easily just pick it up and take it outside when the weather is good...


My brain was just ticking along thinking it might put unwanted strain on the mount / gears or motors


Edited by fluxfluid
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I keep mine indoors fully assembled and with the tube horizontal.  I don't think it matters where the tube points, but horizontal is the starting point for the Starsense Autoalign. 

Note that because of its bulk which makes it awkward to grip and handle, removing the tube from the mount is not a clever idea.

I have been carrying mine in and out fully assembled for years and it has not done it any harm.

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