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26.01.2024, Jupiter Mewlon210,


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Nice pics @Fedele

Do you mind if I ask what time of day this was on the 26th?  I’m pretty sure I saw a quite prominent pale spot or swirl leading a darker knotty area on the western portion of the NEB around 19:00 through 19:45 GMT yesterday and I wonder if your picture is validating that observation? Nice to think so 😗


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Oh my life @Fedele - that is very generous of you with your time. I do trust my observing - I’m quite cautious/conservative but that is wonderfully satisfying to confirm I wasn’t fooling myself. Thank you very much indeed 👍

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It's not your bad English - it might be my bad imagination - you also need to "squint a bit" 😁 

The "pale spot" i felt i saw is the yellow circled bit which observing visually i felt contrasted against the NEB and the even the EZ and particularly against the darker stormy red circled bit to its east. i.e it didn't look like a thinning of the NEB or a widening of the EZ but looked like a discrete pale oval.



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