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Yes, I had one on my SL 8" dob. It was fine as far as it went but all such finders seem to suffer a lack of stability, with two thumbscrews and a fixed one. They all seem to go out of alignment if you look at them funny....I haven't used the SW one but I'm sure it's the same.

Edited by cajen2
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Worked just fine on both my 8” and 12” dobsonian scopes. Once aligned tighten the screw(s) securely and it holds alignment just fine. It’s when you remove and replace them then they may need to be realigned.

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1 hour ago, cajen2 said:

It was fine as far as it went but all such finders seem to suffer a lack of stability, with two thumbscrews and a fixed one. 

Spring loaded rather than fixed surely?

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I have one on my 12". It's ok but I find the spring is a bit weak.

I noticed the other day the spring fitting has a grub screw in the middle - I wonder if it's adjustable?

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This finderscope looks great, thanks for sharing.

I had the 9x50 but I really didn’t get on with the straight through design.

I’m tall so when observing objects which were high in the sky, it was a nightmare.

The 90deg diagonal should help that! :)

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The main difference is the SW is Synta made while the SL is GSO made.  I have the latter under some other brand, and it is quite good.

Being at a right angle to the tube, I find it much easier to look through.  However, it's pretty much useless for putting a scope on target without the aid of unit power finder (RDF, Telrad, Quikfinder, etc.) or a laser sight because you're not looking along the tube when using it.  It's difficult to guesstimate where the tube is pointing while not sighting along it.

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The RACI is really useful with a Mak on an undriven alt-az mount due to the narrow true field of view.  If I walk away for even a moment, the object has drifted out of the field of view, and I have to use the RACI to recenter it.  Objects are not always visible through a unit power finder, such as an open cluster, for recentering.  Thus, the RACI.

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Horses for courses as they say.

With the 12" I use a Telrad and 8x50 RACI. I've since relocated the 8x50 about 50mm down the tube to avoid catching the Telrad.


With the 4" I use a Baader RDF and wide angle eyepiece. The 30mm here gives 2.84°; when I use my other diagonal I use a 42mm which gives 3.7°.


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