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Ptolemaeus - ridge line shadows 18.01.24


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The conjunction of Jupiter and the moon early evening last night was a fabulous thing; naked eye, in a wide field eyepiece and up close but flicking between them. What a treat. 

Though Jupiter in the end was the primary target - the crater Ptolemaeus was extremely eye-catching on the terminator of the moon. More specifically the lovely sawtooth shadow cast by its western ridge.

Here's a poor tidy sketch done this morning:



i prefer the more visceral one from the EP last night:



Letting my imagination run away with itself what a fabulous thing it would be to scramble around the ridge in a multi-day hike (suitably equipped of course). For a personal sense of scale if this were a terrestrial thing it would take me 5hrs to cycle across the crater floor!

BTW - i'm slightly perplexed this morning not to find any photography on line that remotely resembles how i sketched it so though i'm 99.9% sure it is Ptolemaeus if you know better be sure to let me know 🙂  



Edited by josefk
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