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Baader Mark V BInoviewers - help !

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The left eyepiece dioptre focuser is stuck against the main eyepiece locking collar - if you have a pair of these can you tell me which way it unscrews please.

(The right diopter focuser is ok and unscrews anti-clockwise)



Edited by dweller25
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Each side rotates in the opposite direction to each other.

(Unless they are 2nd hand and a previous owner replaced it with the wrong hand version. Unlikely though)


Q&A on baader website:


Edited by globular
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Thanks @globular

Thats seems to be talking about the locking rings for the eyepiece which do move opposite to each other.

My problem is the left diopter adjuster - marked with the red arrow, do these also unscrew in opposite directions or the same ?

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Sorry David - I read that as the diopter adjustment but you're right it's not clear.  It's definitely opposite directions to each other on my Maxbright II - but I don't have the Mark V to know for sure about those.
I'll go and sit in the corner and keep quiet.

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Sorted 🙂

If anyone else has this problem…..

The eyepiece locking rings unlock… left: anti-clockwise, right: clockwise.

The dioptre adjusters unlock… left: clockwise, right: anti-clockwise.


Edited by dweller25
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Thanks for that straightforward outline. The MkV is a wonderful device and, at the risk of starting a bun fight, imv, it or something similar is the only way to get the best views of the Moon and planets (preferably straight through with no diagonal).  But although I’ve owned one for years, the combination of movements you describe above has never really felt intuitive. 

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