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Well if it stays clear you'll have a great view of the Moon. The terminator this evening is awesome, but to see it well you'll need to grab it before it gets too low. I had a lovely view of it a few minutes ago using my 100mm refractor and Maxbright binoviewer at low power. There's something magical about seeing the whole Moon hanging in 3D with sky around it!

Edited by mikeDnight
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My area now forecast to be clear at 2100hrs, unless they change it again for the 3rd time !, been waiting over 2 month for a reasonable clear sky to grab Orion and some surounding images , mssed last year due to , yes you got t CLOUDS !!.

Fingers crossed

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Had lovely blue skies here in Lincolnshire for most of the aftrenoon..the inevitable evening clouds arrived as the sun set, so all is normal!😜

The Met office app is predicting some clear evening skies for Monday and Wednesday nights..frankly I'll believe it when it happens..πŸ™„


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Lovely clear skies out there now, although there were a few clouds lurking around.

The Moon looked lovely earlier on, with Saturn nearby. I stepped just now, and Orion was beautifully placed. I counted the stars within the four boundary stars and got to sixteen, not bad for zero dark adaptation. The Milky Way was just visible as was the DC. Pretty sure I could see seven stars in the Pleiades too, normally I max out at six.

No scope out again, but that’s enough to keep me going.

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Mostly clouds here with some showers. Got a great view of the Moon earlier as I crossed Lidl car park with the shopping! Out in the garden a few times with a Seestar but only managed a couple of minutes of M45. Total cloud out there now and work in the morning so Orion will have to wait.

Edited by Soupir94
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