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Which £400 lunar planetary cam...or a minitron...

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Will I be able to do anything "useful" with it without the more expensive filters to start with?

The mono camera works great on the Moon with just a UV/IR cut filter (this helps especially with a refractor as UV & IR tends to arrive "out of focus" even with an ED or apo, but atmospheric dispersion makes it useful even with a pure reflector system).

The camera is best bought without the UV/IR - i.e. the DMK as opposed to the otherwise identical DFK - as you can then use a "lunar/planetary" IR pass filter to take advantage of the better seeing in long wavelengths to make the L image. In any case the filter helps keep the dust off the sensor.

Enjoy your DMK, they're great wee cameras!

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Thanks Brian and welcome to SGL by the way :icon_rolleyes:

I have just got the camera installed and working on the imaging laptop and it makes a nice change for soemthing to works staright away withotu any faffing about... Reassuirngly "heavy" product as well - built to last by the looks of things..

I have just bought a set of baader LRGB filters and have quite a few other baader narrow band ones here as well as the UV/IR cut and Neodymium with IR cut... I also have a R72 filter and an adaptor so hopefully that will do me for IR passs at the moment...

I also have a load of "generic" color and ND filters to play with...


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I am Mintron biased so recommend the 12V6 to anyone thinking of guidecam / astro video. They are cheap and very versatile

Mine is used primarily as a guidecam and its a very sesnitive one at that, never been stuck for guidestars with it in the Mak127 or Lidl 70mm refractor guidescopes. Then theres the live video, connect it to a telly turn the integration right up to 128 and go galaxy bagging. My favourite pass time with the C11.

The noise on the 12V6 is far better than the old 12V1 so passable images can be obtained using registax. Heres some I did earlier:)

There are bags of cameras out there that are better quality and more sensitive but they go for far more than 250 notes.

Oh and for lunar and planetary they work really well. Another favourite pass time is connecting the cam to my PVR/VCR and recording as I sweep around the moon through the C11. I regularly play these videos back on cloudy nights.




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hmmm seem to get some free ones with every one purchased... just using it for the first time and looks pretty good so far :icon_rolleyes: seems to be cutting throught he high stuff an showing me views of a boiling luna.... ;):) :)

expect daft registrax questions next...


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I'm impressed.... ok so its only "640x480" but boy does 60fps uncompressed make a difference....

Thanks Nick and Ed for the advice... Pity Saturn aint going to put in an useable appearance tonight :icon_rolleyes:

LRGB filters on their way... and IR Pass to be ordered...


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